Kew House 3
The house needed a renovation and extension to create a revitalised family home, additional family spaces were required as well as a face lift of the heritage features of this beautiful old home.
Design Constraints:
the heritage overlay meant our design response had to be a sensitive addition to the building fabric. The larger elements of the home are concealed behind the existing house, creating a welcoming surprise as you move through the house.
Design Resolution:
the new home is zoned with a parents zone, a family living zone, a children’s zone and a secondary living zones, for kids, parents or friends. The rear garden is zoned as well, the new pool and outdoor living, the garage / workshop being an optional indoor entertaining area and a grassed area enjoyed by the master bedroom and ensuite or the main family living.
The new timber and dark metal cladding respect the heritage of the main brick home.
Site Area: 1,503 sqm
Floor Area (excl. decks/terraces): 163 sqm new rear extension & renovation, 94 sqm first floor
Design, Documentation: 12 months